You wont have a contract but you will have:
- Same day / next day responce
- Fully qualified and fully insured technicians
- Full comliance with ICO and practice guidlines
Microsoft cloud Office with CIT Group
CIT Group can deliver Microsoft Exchange Online solutions. :
Small companies no longer need to invest in a server in order to access business class email and calender exchange features. Office 365 services are paid on the basis of peeer user or consumption.
Toby Stripp is a director of CIT Group and a Microsoft Cloud Solutions partner
If you would like to know about Microsofts Office 365 plans and products you can contact Toby Stripp directly using the form below.
Fill you details in below and an Office 365 solutions specialist will contact you.
Image from Microsofts million servers project
Microsoft Azure is the worlds most versatile and flexible cloud soluion. Azure host's many app's and technologies. It's virtualization can run mulitle servers of different server types. The best thing, is you only pay for what you use. Making Azure the the future of SME business server solutions.
Some cloud providers make you choose between your data centre and the cloud. Not Azure, which easily integrates with your existing IT environment through the largest network of secure private connections, hybrid database and storage solutions, and data residency and encryption features – so your assets stay right where you need them. You can even run Azure in your own data centre with Azure Stack. Azure hybrid cloud solutions give you the best of both worlds: more IT options, less complexity and cost. CIT Group can provide a solution that includes:
Azure supports the broadest selection of operating systems, programming languages, frameworks, tools, databases and devices. Run Linux containers with Docker integration; build apps with JavaScript, Python, .NET, PHP, Java and Node.js; build back-ends for iOS, Android and Windows devices. Azure supports the same technologies that millions of developers and IT professionals already rely on and trust.
Azure's Microsoft datacenter is paid by monthy consumption with no capital investment in hardware required.
CIT Group's Azure support package reduces overheads by reducing callouts.
Increase your Azure consumption when your business grows and reduce it during downturns or seasons.
CIT Group can deliver Microsoft Exchange Online solutions. Exchange Online provides most of the facilities and functionality of a locally running server but without the initial outlay, power and maintanace costs. You can add users mailboxes, tasks and calenders one at a time and only pay for what you use. Exchange Online makes sharing calendars and mailboxes seamless and provides grater security. :
Advance administration features allow for Archiving and email retention. Helping your company with regulations and compliance.
Toby Stripp is a director of CIT Group and a Microsoft Exchange Online Solutions partner